

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2020-01-15T11:12 (访问量:1872)



2014年01月14日,中科院水生所王强、陈辉用NMT在Plant and Cell Physiology上发表了标题为Ca2+ Signal Transduction Related to Neutral Lipid Synthesis in an Oil-Producing Green Alga Chlorella sp. C2的研究成果。'

期刊:Plant and Cell Physiology

标题:Ca2+ Signal Transduction Related to Neutral Lipid Synthesis in an Oil-Producing Green Alga Chlorella sp. C2





Changes in the cytosolic Ca2+ levels and the role of Ca2+ signal transduction in neutral lipid synthesis in Chlorella sp. C2 under nitrogen starvation conditions were investigated. The results detected by using the scanning ion-selective electrode technique demonstrate that nitrogen starvation induced significant Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane into cells.

Ca2+ fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry were used to estimate the effect of this Ca2+ influx on the generation of the Ca2+ signal, and the results showed that the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration increased transiently and then remained at a stable, high level when the cells were exposed to nitrogen starvation. However, the increase could be inhibited by pre-treatment with the Ca2+ channel blockers ruthenium red, verapamil and GdCl3, indicating that both the influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular space via Ca2+ channels that are localized in the plasma membrane and the release of Ca2+ from intracellular calcium storage via the internal calcium store were required for the generation and transduction of the Ca2+ signal.

During nitrogen starvation, neutral lipid synthesis in Chlorella sp. C2 in response to stress conditions was also inhibited to differing degrees by pre-treatment with the three Ca2+ channel blockers, demonstrating the regulation of Ca2+ via these Ca2+ channels in neutral lipid synthesis.

The results suggested that by transduction of extracellular stress signals into the cell and the regulation of the Ca2+ signal in neutral lipid synthesis, Ca2+ signal transduction played important roles in the response mechanism of Chlorella sp. C2 to nitrogen starvation.






Fig. 1 The total Ca2+ flux rates over 5 min in Chlorella sp. C2 under N starvation. (a) Microphotographic examples of Ca2+ ion flux/voltage-clamp measurements. (b) Total flux rates of Ca2+ were detected at 0, 0.5, 2 and 8 d after N starvation. The columns represent the means of three replicated studies in each sample, with the SD of the means (t-test, P < 0.05). The significance of the differences between the control (0 d) and other test values was tested using a one-way analysis of variance. *P < 0.05 vs. control.

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